The Perfect Dog® Shop
The Perfect Dog® System
Components work in conjunction with each other to create a complete training system.
More than one dog?
Extra equipment sets are available under “Accessories” on the store page.
📦 What’s Included:
2-Disc DVD Set
Don Sullivan’s 30+ years of experience jam-packed into 5 hours of instruction.
Over 70 training lessons.
Core commands, boundary line safety, advanced training, housebreaking, resolving all common problem behaviors, tricks & fun things, and much more.
Everything you need to know to train your dog like a pro!
Freedom Training Lines Set
Specialized training lines, not ordinary leashes!
3 different lengths (extra long, medium, and mini).
Your dog will gradually progress toward responsible self-governance to the point where s/he no longer needs to wear the training equipment. This is the “Trust Zone”!
Made of polypropylene material similar to that which is used by boaters.
Lightweight, waterproof, floatable.
Deliberately missing a handle so they don’t get caught on objects during training.
Use your choice of gloves for extra comfort.
Command Collar®
Your choice of Small or Large when you order. (See below for sizing information)
Don Sullivan’s very own patented design.
Easily adjustable to suit your dog’s neck size.
Comes with 4 extra links, to add as your dog grows.
Attractive, lightweight, and easy to put on and take off.
Surpasses all other training collars on the market.
The Command Collar is NOT a shock collar
Quick Start Guide
Contains a training plan and essential training tips.
Aimed to fast track you to success.
Moisture-Proof Organizer Bag
Durable, moisture-proof organizer bag - perfect for home, or training in the field.
See bottom of this page for Command Collar® sizing

Fun Fetch Ball™
Personally designed and used by Don Sullivan, the Fun Fetch Ball is a fun and easy interim training tool to teach your dog to retrieve – within minutes!
Faster than you ever dreamed possible, your dog will be bringing back the ball and dropping it gently into your hand, every time!
🎾 Fun Fetch Ball Sizing:
40 millimeter (1.5”) diameter (similar size to a Ping Pong ball)
For tiny dogs such as Toy Poodles, Yorkshire Terriers and Chihuahuas, as well as some larger breed puppies.
55 millimeter (2.125”) diameter (similar size to a tennis ball)
For all other dogs.

Wake Up and Smell the Poop!
The myths, deceptions, lies and obsessions that keep you from having the perfect dog.
★★★★★ Anju Devanur – “Hello Don. Your book is awesome. I couldn’t keep it down. I loved reading your experiences. It’s a must have, precious book for every true dog lover and responsible dog parent. What an insightful read. A true masterpiece from the master dog trainer himself!”
★★★★★ Bronte Hollow – Amazon.com – “The book is highly recommended and challenges the increasingly accepted thinking that treats are the best way to achieve optimal training. The book also looks at case studies and shortcomings from adopting the treats approach.”
★★★★ Anonymous reviewer – BarnesandNoble.com – “If you are thinking about getting into a training system with your dog or puppy, this is a good description of what this man teaches and how he does it. Made me realize how slack I had gotten with my pack. Enjoyed reading it.”
📝 Verified Reviews:
📖 About the Book:
A former marine wildlife handler, Master Dog Trainer and dog behaviorist since 1986, Don Sullivan made his media debut in 2000 with his national Canadian TV show, Doggin’ It. Wowing audiences with his 7-minute makeovers while working with dogs he’d never met before, Sullivan went on to become a worldwide household name as the ultimate dog training expert, “The DogFather.”
Don Sullivan hit the world stage in 2008 with his globally televised Secrets to Training the Perfect Dog® system. He’s renowned for achieving amazing behavioral transformations in even the most extreme “bad” dog behavior cases, with positive changes seen in just minutes!
Now in his no-holds barred book Wake Up and Smell the Poop!, The DogFather speaks candidly about the problems plaguing today’s dog-crazed world.
The world is flooded with dog obedience classes, dog training shows, Internet blogs, chat rooms, and paraphernalia. Cupboards and drawers are bursting with dog biscuits, training devices, and gadgets. Despite this, more dog owners than ever are desperately trying to create some semblance of peace and order within their homes amidst their out-of-control canines.
Snippet from
Don’s book:
“Barkers. Biters. Chewers and chasers. Runaways and rubbish-rustlers. Growlers, gropers, jumpers, humpers, nippers, and crotch-nuzzlers – I’ve seen it all. Maybe you have too.
Chances are you have suffered the indignation, intimidation, or personal invasion of someone else’s disobedient dog. Or maybe you’ve even owned one. Well, here’s the message I’d love to bellow from the highest mountain peak: ‘It DOESN’T have to be this way!’ There is a remedy for every dog’s misbehavior, and there is hope for every exasperated owner who’s tried it all. That’s why I wrote this book.”
Such upheaval caused by a domestic pet defeats the purpose of having a dog in the first place! Every would-be dog owner dreams of enjoying the Lassie type relationship they see in movies. Yet, the reality of what they experience soon after they bring their puppy home for the first time rapidly shatters their hopes.
Here at last is a wake-up call for dog lovers. Don Sullivan, incensed by all the so-called experts on canine behavior and training, seeks to help dog owners to recognize the truth of what is destroying their dreams. Sullivan breaks through the illusion that big business advertising projects on “all things dog,” and inspires readers to rethink how dogs should be trained.

Command Collar® Sizing
Maximum length (with all extra links added) = 24” (609 millimeters)
Minimum length (with max. number of existing links removed) = 7” (177.7 millimeters)
Suitable for large to extra large breeds (older puppies and adult age) such as the Labrador Retriever, German Shepherd, Rottweiler and Great Dane.
Maximum length (with all extra links added) = 18.5” (469.9 millimeters)
Minimum length (with max. number of existing links removed) = 5.5” (139.7 millimeters)
Suitable for tiny dogs such as the Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier and Toy Poodle, to medium size breeds such as the Cocker Spaniel, Jack Russell Terrier and Beagle. It’s also useful for very young larger breed puppies during their first weeks of training.
Note: Despite the minimum size of the small collar, this size should still fit dogs/puppies with smaller necks; the collar will be a little looser than normal, but it will still be effective.